Containing the transactions of the court of Delhi, and the neighbouring states, during a period of thirty-six years: interspersed with geographical and topographical observations on several of the principal cities of hindostaun. With an appendix, containing the following tracts, viz. I. An Account of Modern Delhi. II. A Narrative of the late Revolution at Rampore, in Rohilcund, in 1794. III. Translation of a Letter, written in the Persian Language, from the Prince Mirza Juwaun Bukht Jehaundar Shah, eldest Son of the King of Delhi, to his Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, in the Year 1785: with a Copy of the Original. IV. Translation in Verse of an Elegy, written by the King of Delhi after the Loss of his Sight. By W. Francklin, Captain in the Honourable East-India Company's Service, Bengal Establishment; Member of the Asiatic Society; and Author of a Tour to Persia
Faulder, Robert Hatchard, J. Rivingtons Harding Cadell and Davies Cooper und Graham
950 Geschichte Asiens
Berlin - Freie Universität
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